Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Observations, Comments and Other Ramblings

*It's hard to think about December when it 103 degrees outside.

*Someone told me the wedding countdown thing on the sidebar of this blog is off, but it looks right to me. Does it look wrong to anyone else?

*My parents and I acquired almost all of the decorations for the ceremony and reception last weekend.

*Four weeks is too long to not see one's fiance.

*I actually packed five boxes worth of stuff yesterday, which is certainly a record for me as far as early moving preparations go.

*I feel like for every one thing I cross off "The List", I think of three more things to add. It's scary.


hollie said...

Jon and I were engaged for 7 months and saw each other maybe twice. Now we're stuck seeing each other all the time.

jon said...

Stuck seeing each other all the time, huh? "I may be ugly, but at least I ain't got no money!"

Christin said...

Easy now, you two...

; )