Monday, August 20, 2007


I don't feel like I've accomplished a ton of wedding planning this past week, though I'm certain I must have gotten at least something done! I did add a few shower dates to my calendar, so now I'm working on guest lists for those.
I also managed to plan out when to do certain tasks, so I know what things need to be done by the end of August, what can wait until October, what can't be done until the week before the wedding, and so on. It's the old "Better Grades Through Notebook Re-Organization" method: if I sit down and make a plan, it almost feels like I'm accomplishing something, whether I am or not.
I did manage to talk to someone about wedding music and I am only 12+/- addresses short of completing the guest list. I guess that's something, considering I started out last week needing about 80 addresses. Oh, and I compiled the playlist for my annual Christmas CD, so I can be sure to get those out. Maybe I have made slight progress. Baby steps.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Observations, Comments and Other Ramblings

*It's hard to think about December when it 103 degrees outside.

*Someone told me the wedding countdown thing on the sidebar of this blog is off, but it looks right to me. Does it look wrong to anyone else?

*My parents and I acquired almost all of the decorations for the ceremony and reception last weekend.

*Four weeks is too long to not see one's fiance.

*I actually packed five boxes worth of stuff yesterday, which is certainly a record for me as far as early moving preparations go.

*I feel like for every one thing I cross off "The List", I think of three more things to add. It's scary.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Bit of an Update

Things are going slowly here at Wedding Planning Central. I'm at the point where most of the things I need to take care of involve lots of shopping around for price quotes. Currently, I'm working on photographers, jewelers, and movers. I also need to get working on the DJ issue as well as make decisions on some decor items.
The cake I want has a bunch of those little silver BB things on it, which are edible, but not really edible (they're actually illegal in the state of Texas), so I have to decide if I want to go with those, which I like, or pick out something that I don't like as much, but are less likely to be a problem. Ahhh, more decisions.
Stephen and I did pick out tuxedos last weekend. That is SO much easier than bridesmaid dresses: you just pick out a whole outfit - including shoes and accessories, give the guys the reference number, have them get measured and it's done. No fair. (Also, not as fun.)
We also tried on wedding bands and looked at apartments while I was in sunny (and not NEARLY as hot) California. We are making progress! Plus, I now have my first shower scheduled (in Nacogdoches), which is exciting!
In the midst of all this, I have great intentions of getting my Christmas shopping taken care of and high hopes of making my annual Christmas CD, so I can have them in the mail before the wedding. We'll see if that actually happens.